
全ての管理責任を負わねばならない芸術監督Aurélie Dupontさんも大変だな。



Dance Magazine誌最新号が報じている




August 2018



You'd think the Paris Opéra Ballet would be in damage-control mode after a leaked dancers' survey, in April, brought up worrying reports of harassment and mismanagement. But instead of addressing these issues internally, the French company is suing one of its own dancers in order to strip him of his union representative status and subsequently be free to fire him.

Dalloz Actualité, a French online magazine specializing in legal matters, elaborated on the lawsuit in an article published last week. The corps de ballet dancer taken to court, whom we'll call "S." to protect his identity, wasn't actually a member of the Commission for Artistic Expression, the elected group of dancers who put together the survey. He is described as a "geek" who provided technical support to ensure the validity of the results.


上記記事中のan article published last week書き出し部分のみ引用:

Harcèlement à l’Opéra de Paris : la direction conteste la désignation syndicale d’un danseur


À la suite d’un sondage interne, diffusé le 13 avril 2018 dans la presse, il apparaît qu’une majorité des danseurs du ballet de l’Opéra de Paris a été victime ou témoin de harcèlement au sein de l’institution. Sur la défensive, la direction cherche les responsables de cette opération malveillante et voit en Samuel M…, artisan de ce sondage et nouveau représentant du syndicat Sud spectacle, un agitateur. L’Opéra de Paris a donc lancé une procédure pour « désignation syndicale frauduleuse » à l’encontre de Samuel M… et du syndicat. Mardi 10 juillet, le tribunal d’instance de Paris a examiné l’affaire.






by Henry Samuel, paris   16 APRIL 2018 • 4:45PM

Paris ballet dancers complain of bullying, sexual harassment and poor management


(1)It found that some 77 per cent said they had either been a victim of harassment in the workplace or seen a colleague mistreated, while 26 per cent said they had suffered sexual harassment or witnessed it.



Last month, the artistic director of Finland’s National Ballet, Kenneth Greve, was stripped of his managerial position following allegations of inappropriate conduct.


(3)2014年、伝統を最重視するパリ・オペラ座アメリカ流モダンダンスに傾倒するフランス人Benjamin Millepiedを芸術監督という重職に抜擢したことは世界のバレエ界を驚かせた。「伝統」の厚い壁を打ち破り一大変革を目指したミルピエの企ては成功せず1年余りで辞任する。彼にはオペラ座一流のトップダウン方式の秩序体制が我慢できなかったようだ。

"The Ballet's hierarchy with its five grades hails from an archaic military order and leads to a way of talking to the dancers as underlings which I don't accept," he told Le Figaro at the time.


ミルピエに関する余談:New York City Ballet育ちのBenjamin Millepiedはオペラ座を去ってロサンジェルスに渡りL.A.Dance Projectを立ち上げモダンダンス系の踊りを志向している。http://ladanceproject.org/



Ms Dupont, who started her career at Paris Opera Ballet as an 11-year-old, promised she would return to a more traditional approach. 

"To me the Opera de Paris remains a classical dancers' company open to contemporary dance and it's not the other way around,” she said at the time.






